Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cvs Summer Clearance 90% off

So after realizing I had a few CVS coupons that were expiring today I thought I would venture into CVS on my way home from work. Right as I walk in I notice the 90% (yes 90%off) sales sign for summer clearance. First thing next to the carts was charcoal 79cents I couldn't believe it so I scanned it (by the way the same machine that you scan your card when you frist walk in is also a scanner when you need to check prices) and sure enough it was 79cents. Being the carts were so small I was thinking hmmm how many can I fit in one cart then I thought logically to just put one in the cart and tell the cashier how many I want them back the car in. Yeah I sound insane but my bf loves to bbq and I love to eat it :o) . Not only was the charcoal on sale but so was the lighter fluid. Let's face it I live in SoCal so the weather is never really ever to bad to bbq, which leads me to the next item. Fla vor ice I think there called (I'll double check) anyways I've read on other peoples blogs that they are on clearance I've been to 3 stores in CA and none of them even after lugging them all the way to the register come out on clearance maybe again because It still feels like summer here? Has anyone else In CA had any luck with there's being on clearance?? Not only does my bf love bbq but he loves those otter pop types of things and I'd be an even greater gf if I came home with boxes full (on top of ECB's of course)


Julie Avery said...

No luck finding the fla*vor*ice on clearance. I know its on rollback at Walmart maybe 2/$5 ? Good luck in your blogging adventure - come visit my blog anytime :)

SoCalCheapSkate said...

I went to three CVSs yesterday (Fontana, Rialto and San Bernardino) and didn't find the flavorice on clearance :( People who see me think I am crazy lugging that big box to the scanner :)

I haven't been able to find a blog group in SoCal, that is the main reason why I made mine. Let me know if you find others!!! Try confessionsofacouponjunkie she is in San Diego. Also try greenstew I think she is in the Thousand Oaks area.