Friday, September 12, 2008

Should I start walgeen'ing

No walgreen'ing isn't a word at least I don't think it is but I've heard cvs'ing so why not walgreen'ing??? So I've been seeing all the great deals people have been getting all Walgreens and wonder if I should join. As it is I am finally catching on to CVs'ing and learning to organize my coupons. I think my whole thought process revolves around customer service and use of coupons. It would be one thing if all the stores and cashier all worked the same but let's face it they don't. One day you have a great day the next day you get the cashier who acts like when you use a coupon it's coming out of her check. I just wish CVS as well as all the other stores had a coupon policy posted at each register so there was no more questioning what kind of day you will have when you decide to go to the store. If I knew that when I entered Walgreens I'd get all these great deals I hear others are getting I would start shoppping there in a heartbeat but let's face reality you just never know. I even tried to do some homework and emailed Walgreens asking them to send me a copy of there coupon policy, but the response I got was that they don't have one??? WHAT?? How is that? So then I replied with more specific questions and am still waiting on a response.

1 comment:

Shay S. said...

I like Walgreen's. I think they are laid out better than CVS. I just started couponing more seriously and was able to buy $104.57 product for only $34.02 and I got Register Rewards back of $9.50 to use on my next purchases! So, I took DH w/ me and used those on two purchases of diapers which are on sale this week (store brand 2/$11.98). We got over 60 diapers for $8.xx.
So, I say, yes start Walgreening!